The Montessori method of education was founded in 1907 by Dr. Maria Montessori and was based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning, and collaboration leading to the development of the child. The “specially” prepared environments of a Montessori school allow children to move freely and choose from a variety of developmentally appropriate activities under the guidance of trained adults. Children learn at their own individual pace and through their senses. Each Montessori environment follows the principle of mixed age-groups which promotes a strong sense of community through peer learning and interaction.

The Montessori philosophy recognises that children have an innate desire to reach their own potential. Our work as trained educators is to provide them with the right conditions through well designed and well equipped environments to achieve this and make learning meaningful and joyous.

Gurukul has the distinction of being one of the first Montessori schools in South Bangalore and it continues to uphold the true principles of the method. It has worked tirelessly to promote the Montessori philosophy laying a strong foundation for the Child’s development and growth.